Yesterday, Sonia Marsh sent a congratulatory email. I had won the "My Gutsy Story" writing contest. I broke the record for the total number of votes. After congratulating me, she candidly asked- "How did you succeed in getting so many votes?" I answered her … [Read more...]
February Guest Appearances
As the month of February is quickly drawing to a close, I want to recap the guest appearances that I made on four unique websites. The women who manage these sites were gracious hosts. I met each through social media. After we started to exchange emails, our relationships grew. … [Read more...]
8 Tips for Virtual Book Tours
Are you an author trying to promote your book? Have you considered organizing a Virtual Book Tour that caters to your audience? If so, continue reading. If not, I would suggest exploring the pros and cons of a Virtual Book Tour. There is no shortage of marketing … [Read more...]
Balancing the Merits of Book Reviews
Praise and criticism seem to me to operate exactly on the same level. If you get a great review, it's really thrilling for about ten minutes. If you get a bad review, it's really crushing for ten minutes. Either way, you go on. -- Ann Patchett Book reviews go hand-in-hand with … [Read more...]
Guest Blogger at Writing Under Pressure, The Blog
Today, I am a guest blogger at Writing Under Pressure, The BlogĀ on Christi Craig's website. For months, I have admired Christi's writing and enjoyed reading her guest bloggers' articles. I was pleased to be a recipient of one of her book giveaways last summer. My guest blog, … [Read more...]
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