Countless times I have thought that a task is complete only to revisit it weeks or months later. Despite this prior knowledge, I mindlessly approach new situations confident that my final stamp of approval will remain permanent. Disappointment is imminent since most things in life are in constant flux. This circle continues over and over again. Hopefully, somewhere along the way, I’ll accept Alvin Toffler’s belief that “change is not merely necessary to life- it is life.”
After all of the work that I put into selecting the template and organizing my author website, I didn’t anticipate that a change would need to happen so soon. But what could I do when I needed to substitute my new book cover for the old? The colors clashed. The calming website colors of blue, purple and gray fought viciously with the orange, yellow and green colors on my new book cover. Ouch! A youthful face lift was necessary. I needed help.
I turned to my web designer. Oh yes, people make changes as well. Without much notice, she decided to pursue her dream to work for a corporation and closed her web design business that catered to writers. I was left wondering who would help me. I did not foresee this happening.
I networked with two of my contacts- Dvorah Lansky and Sandra Beckwith and they provided recommendations. I interviewed several virtual assistants and decided on Jan Bear. Like my previous web designer, Jan assists writers with their websites. If your looking for a virtual assistant check out Jan’s website-
As I worked hand-in-hand with Jan, a new look emerged. I panicked. Oh no. One of the colors that I tend to avoid-green-needed to take center stage. I took a deep breath. Could I live with different shades of green? At first, I had serious doubts. I was unnecessarily frazzled.
As the colors were tweaked, I became more content. I realized that flexibility had to override resistance to change. I looked at the big picture. My book cover had to be in harmony with my website. After all, I did like the shades of green on my book cover. Why not select shades of green that complemented it? An accent shade of yellowish orange was also contemplated. The finishing touch was accomplished when my designer switched out one of the green panels for basic black.
Now that the changes have been made, I am delighted with the end result. I realize that future circumstances will inevitably cause changes to my website. Additional pages will be added and links for buying my book will be installed. In the meantime, I am glad that I made the necessary adjustments.
What do you think of my new color scheme? Is it compatible with my book cover? I’d love to hear your feedback.
Everything looks wonderful, Sandy. Congratulations!
Sandra Beckwith
Sandra, Thanks. I appreciate your comment.