Two weeks ago, I wrote about my arduous decision to return to India. I was an empty-nester, weighing the pros and cons of relocating. Did I want the comforts of my safe Colorado lifestyle or the risks associated with living in a Third World county? My emotions were running wild … [Read more...]
Stunned by India’s Poverty
Years after my expat experience in Bangalore, India, I remain stunned by India's poverty. Every day, I was bombarded by people living in squalor. Masses of people lived without the modern conveniences of indoor plumbing and electricity. Their meals were cooked on open fires. … [Read more...]
Living As An Expat in India- “We Are Fairview” Presentation
Earlier today, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak to a group of high school students at Fairview High School in Boulder, Colorado. The Fairview High School Student Council and the Social Studies Department organized an all-day event called- We Are Fairview. Over 100 … [Read more...]
International Teaching Experience Highlighted at Gutsy Living
Today an abridged version of my Indian international teaching experience appears on the Gutsy Living website. Sonia Marsh selected it for this week's entry. Check out "Becoming an International Teacher in Bangalore" Social media has introduced me to amazing people. Sonia Marsh … [Read more...]
Virtual Book Tour- Fourth Week
Today, my virtual book tour starts its fourth week. If you missed the first three weeks, consider going back to my events page to see my previous visits. Check out this week's itinerary and mark your favorite spots. I'm still waiting to hear back from a few individuals so … [Read more...]
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