Earlier this week, I launched my second book, 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die. A May 2020 SATW webinar, hosted by Josh Stevens, provided inspiration to write a Reedy Press book in the “100 Things to Do” series. Luckily, Boulder was an open topic. My decades of living just outside of Boulder became an asset. A few weeks later, I was under contract to write 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die.
Researching a Book During the Pandemic
Pandemic restrictions caused numerous obstacles. Access to some government buildings became limited. The University of Colorado-Boulder adopted remote learning. Many restaurants used carryout service as a way to survive. Some entities significantly struggled while others flourished. Store inventories decreased. Museums and tours were temporarily and permanently closed. The overall uncertainty in the marketplace made it hard to predict which businesses would survive during challenging times.
At certain points in time, I limited my interaction in public spaces. I emailed and called businesses and institutions. My health and well being was my priority.
Less than two months after signing the contract, Ira was diagnosed with glioblastoma, incurable brain cancer. My life was turned upside down as I coped with our new reality. Time spent working on the book was limited. My priorities shifted to Ira as I researched how to beat the odds associated with a terminal diagnosis. Medical intervention coupled with our lifestyle choices worked to our advantage. Eventually, I could devote more and more time to completing the book.
In the beginning of 2022, my manuscript was submitted. Reedy’s publishing team shared their comments and edits. By the summer, the book was ready to be published. Reedy Press scheduled the release for mid-September. Due to potential production issues, the official launch was delayed a few weeks.
Radio Interview at KGNU Community Radio in Boulder
On October 13, 2022, I drove to KGNU Community Radio in Boulder. In the broadcast room, Shannon Young introduced me. Rossana Longo-Better asked a few questions during the 8+ minute interview. Click this link to listen to the broadcast.
Boulder Bookstore Book Chat

My book chat at the Boulder Bookstore started at 6:30 PM. It was an amazing feeling when I saw copies of my book displayed in the book store window. I paused for a moment. Then, I passed another display at the top of the stairs.

My colorful slide presentation focused on why I chose to write about Boulder and the lessons that I learned from writing the book. I also described the format and the useful indexes. My audience was better than anticipated. Additional chairs needed to brought into the room. At the conclusion of the talk, I answered questions and signed books.
It was an awesome book launch. Participants purchased 20 books. My book, 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die is on the Boulder Bookstore’s best seller list. What an incredible launch!
Upcoming Events in October
Barnes & Noble (Boulder) book signing on Sunday, October 16 from 11 AM to 2 PM
Louisville Recreation Center, Sunday, October 23 from 2-3 PM
Tattered Cover (Westminster) book signing on Thursday, October 20 at 6 PM.
Sandy is an award-winning author and lifestyle and travel journalist. She is the author of 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die, a book offering an easy way to pinpoint your best options in this sunny, high altitude college town. Sandy’s second book, May This Be the Best Year of Your Life highlights her living and teaching adventure in Bangalore, India. As a licensed Colorado teacher, she taught K-12 students in the United States and abroad. Sandy was also an instructor at Front Range Community College and the University of Colorado-Boulder. To learn more about glioblastoma, check out Sandy’s For Glio page. To follow Sandra and Ira’s travel adventures, visit TheTravelingBornsteins website.
Connect with Sandra