After the first week of promoting 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die, I am comfortable with my routine for book chats and book signings. Each presentations is created to align with the particular needs of the intended audience. From college students to senior citizens, I am enjoying the opportunity to talk about the writing and researching process as well as the contents of my book. With several slide presentations, I can talk on numerous topics.
I initially was scheduled to have three radio interviews. However, only one actually happened. One was abruptly and rudely cancelled at the last minute. The other was tentatively scheduled too close to the Avanti event. I look forward to speaking with the latter broadcaster after the elections. I enjoyed talking with Ross Kaminsky (KOA Radio). We hav some commonalities. Both of us had lived in Chicago and had also been in India. He started the interview talking about India. What a wonderful opportunity to share information about both books.
Ira and I squeezed in a quick 2-night trip to San Antonio, Texas. We were asked by Novocure to share our experiences with doctors and nurses at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2022 conference. I brought along a few books and sold a couple. Now, I will bring books wherever I go.
Our TV interview with Danny New, the Positivity Reporter for Denver’s Channel 7 News, was broadcasted on the morning of the Avanti F & B event. Ira and I set our alarm for 6 AM. The segment aired at 6:30. It included a shout out to 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die. However, the taped version, which appears on the TV Station’s website, only includes our positive approach to coping with Ira’s glioblastoma diagnosis. Hopefully, this broadcast will encourage others facing a terminal disease not to give up. Perhaps, a future interview at another TV station can focus on the book.
Here is a brief recap of the last two weeks:
Louisville Recreation Center

To spread the word about my book, I approached the Louisville Recreation Center for a book chat. Ira and I had not been in this building since Jordan and Aaron were attending public school in Superior. We were impressed by the renovations and the technology used to deliver my presentation. Despite a smaller than anticipated crowd, I had a wonderful time chatting with the audience before we drove to the airport.
ASTRO Conference in San Antonio, Texas

During our free time in San Antonio, we walked around the River Walk area and also visited the Alamo. At the conference, we met dozens of people from Novocure. We shared our experiences at a symposium as well as at the Novocure booth in the enormous conference hall. Hopefully, our story will encourage doctors to see a terminal diagnosis from the patients’ perspective. Without a glimmer of hope, most people become overwhelmed by the diagnosis. The Optune device, along with our lifestyle choices, help us to embrace life rather than cancer.

Sunrise of Boulder

The next afternoon, I was back to promoting 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die. Ira accompanied me to north Boulder where I chatted with a group of residents at Sunrise of Boulder. Several people in this group had been living in Boulder since the 1960s. They shared a few interesting tales and offered suggestions for the next edition of the book. Even though some had resided in Boulder longer than me, they graciously bought copies. Hopefully, some of the people who purchased the book will find the time to write reviews. I’d love to hear their feedback.
Denver’s Channel 7 News Story About Our Glioblastoma Journey

Danny New visited our Arvada home shortly after the Colorado Walk for the National Brain Tumor Society in mid-September. It was unclear when we would see his condensed version of our two hour interview. On November 2, we finally saw the finished product. Hopefully, viewers of this segment will see the importance of cherishing each day.
Avanti F & B- Boulder

After learning about Ira’s diagnosis, the marketing team at Avanti F & B proposed a dual book signing and fundraising event. On Wednesday, November 2, restaurant guests could purchase books and I was available to autograph their copies. From November 2-6, Avanti offered three ways to raise money for the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS). People could round up their restaurant bill, add a donation, or buy a specialty cocktail that would include a percentage going to NBTS. Next week, we will find out how much money was raised during this multi-day event. It will be added to our Keep Moving-No Regrets Team effort.

Friends and relatives who could not attend the Boulder Bookstore launch party showed up for this event. I was also surrounded by four of my six grandchildren and their parents.
CU Buff Lit Club

Ira and I went back into time when we entered Hellems on the CU Campus. Some of our undergraduate classes and most of my graduate level classes took place in this antiquated building. Even though I am far removed from my teaching career, I am always happy to be back in a classroom. We drove home during Boulder’s first snowstorm.
Radio Interview with Ross Kaminsky KOA Radio
Ross Kaminsky Interview with Sandy Bornstein
Colorado Football Game

After a busy two weeks, we spent several hours at a CU Football game. It is never easy to watch your favorite team lose week after week. But it is always great to sit in Folsom Field on a beautiful autumn day. I am immensely grateful that Reedy Press extended the contract to research and write 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die. Year round Boulder is an incredible place that I will always love.

With three weeks of promoting behind me, I am looking forward to my upcoming events. Scroll down to see my schedule.
Book Reviews
Authors are always looking for book reviews. Travel writers are also eager to hear what people have to say. To date, I have received two formal reviews. Check out these links.
Dr. Jessie Voights– Publisher of Wandering Educators
Courtney Drake-McDonough, Publisher– In Good Taste Denver
Recently Published Stories
If you are looking for more information about Boulder, I am including links to two of my recent stories.
9 Amazing Outdoor Activities to Experience in Boulder, Colorado
KUHL- Born in the Mountains website–Family-Friendly Hikes in Boulder, Colorado
Seeking Amazon Book Reviews
My Amazon page is a bit lonely. If you’ve read my book, I’d love your feedback.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, November 15–Book Signing at Tangerine
Wednesday, November 16–Book Signing at In Motion Running
Saturday, November 19–Book Signing at the Ramble Collective
Saturday, November 26– BoCo Life Book Signing
Thursday, December 1–Piece, Love & Chocolate Book Signing
Saturday, December 3– Moxie in Boulder Book Signing
Sunday, December 11– Holiday Fair at Moxie in Louisville
Saturday, December 17–Barnes & Noble in Westminster
Monday, February 6–Lunch and Learn With Boulder Hadassah
Wednesday, February 22– Explore 100 Things in Boulder with the JCC
Sandy is an award-winning author and lifestyle and travel journalist. She is the author of 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die, a guidebook offering an easy way to pinpoint your best options in this sunny, high altitude college town. Sandy’s second book, May This Be the Best Year of Your Life highlights her living and teaching adventure in Bangalore, India. As a licensed Colorado teacher, she taught K-12 students in the United States and abroad. Sandy also taught college-level courses at Front Range Community College and the University of Colorado-Boulder.
To follow Sandra and Ira’s travel adventures, visit TheTravelingBornsteins website.
Connect with Sandra