If you’re looking for a picture book that sheds light on a notable person from the 19th- 20th century, consider tracking down, Gandhi, by Demi (Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2001). Not only would I recommend reading this book, I would also urge you to find other nonfiction and … [Read more...]
Timeless Indian Stories- Written From Within
I asked several of my former colleagues what type of Indian stories their students liked. One responded, the Panchatantra. Huh, was my initial response. Yes, even after living in India for 8 months, I admit that my understanding of Indian culture is limited. A Google search came … [Read more...]
Intergenerational Picture Books-India
Kashmira uses her childhood memories growing up on the west coast of India to create charming picture books that focus on two different aspects of life in India. In Monsoon Afternoon (by Kashmira Sheth and illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi, Peachtree Publishers 2007) the reader … [Read more...]
Another Award Winning Author- Writing About India
Uma Krishnaswami has written numerous books about her former homeland, India. One fine example is Monsoon by Uma Krishnaswami, illustrated by Jamel Akib (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2003). This bookreminds me of my many months in India. Not only does it provide glimpses of Indian … [Read more...]
Award Winning Picture Book- India
Are there any award winning picture books that highlight India? One picture book hit the lottery for American recognition. Finders Keepers? A True Story in India, by Robert Arnett and illustrated by SmitaTurakhia (Atman Press, 2003) is stunning, not only in its … [Read more...]
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