Countless animal fables are read each day in primary classrooms around America. If you're looking for a fable that is rooted in ancient Indian culture consider- Once A Mouse ... and/or The Brave Parrot. … [Read more...]
An Adventure on the Horizon- Having Fun with Emma’s Turtle, by Eve Bunting
Usually when I am searching for a particular book, I’ll find my intended target. Occasionally, I’ll stumble on something unexpected and be delighted by the slight diversion. Such was the case during a recent trip to the Louisville Public library. My electronic search … [Read more...]
A Monkey Tale I Can’t Resist
When I lived in India, I had mixed feelings about the monkeys who had the freedom to venture wherever they pleased. On the one hand, I was fascinated by their cleverness while, on the other hand, I was fearful of their potential belligerence. After living in close proximity to … [Read more...]
Juvenile Fiction- Realistic or Imaginative
A dozen years ago, our family made the audacious decision to relocate to Colorado. I can still remember how I fretted over the potential effect on my two youngest sons who were finishing 3rd and 7th grade. My main objective was to minimize the trauma associated with moving to a … [Read more...]
Reminiscing- As I Peruse Picture Books
During my first visit to India, one of my son's friends treated me to a musical concert in Bangalore. My congenial hostess and her friend candidly remarked that Americans have an erroneous impression about India. I listened attentively as they asked me if I had expected to see … [Read more...]
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