Today, I am going to interview Jacob Firsel, the author of Go To Galilee: A Travel Guide For Christian Pilgrims. I will also offer a book giveaway. I had the pleasure of meeting Jacob in 2008. Jacob was our private tour guide when my husband and I traveled for a week and a … [Read more...]
Q & A With Bala Menon, Author of Spice & Kosher
Many months ago, Bala Menon contacted me after reading one of my blogs about Indian Jewry. He has graciously supplied me with updates about the dwindling Jewish community in Cochin. Recently, he co-authored a cookbook that preserves many Indian Jewish traditions. He sent me a … [Read more...]
Q & A With Jane Kohuth, Author of Anne Frank’s Chestnut Tree
Today, I welcome Jane Kohuth to my website. Jane is the author of Ducks Go Vroom, Estie the Mensch, Duck Sock Hop, and the recently published Anne Frank’s Chestnut Tree . Jane graciously answered a list of email questions. After the Q & A, I have included a brief review of … [Read more...]
Q & A with Frank Nappi- Mickey Tussler Series
Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Frank Nappi, the author of Echoes From the Infantry, The Legend of Mickey Tussler, Sophomore Campaign, and Nobody Has to Know. Frank is currently participating in a Virtual Book Tour from April 15-26 organized by Goddess … [Read more...]
Author Q & A: Don McNair- Editor-Proof Your Writing
Today, I will be interviewing Don McNair, the author of Editor-Proof Your Writing: 21 Steps to the Clear Prose Publishers and Agents Crave. (Linden Publishing, April 1, 2013). Don is currently participating in a Virtual Book Tour from April 1-19th organized by Goddess … [Read more...]
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